2011 has started off well. So far so good. Keeping myself busy and getting into the habit of writing applications, which is an art in itself.
Things seem to have gone full circle for me over the last few months, re-connecting with old friends, via the medium of facebook, now that I've actually began to use it to promote myself, but also with music. I talk about music a lot as it's something I grew up with, I've referenced it often in pieces http://manorlogz.co.uk/play/Poets/Jungle_warfare and when talking to people about what I do in terms of writing and performing. It's played a massive part in shaping me as a person and continues to do so. A few months back I began the labour-intensive process of burning all my cd's onto my PC. Between the years of 1999 and 2005 I've collected a lot of Drum and Bass and UK Hip-Hop, and have been able to chart the progression of UK music just through my own back catalogue. So was delighted recently to be invited round to the studio, with Dani Marshal, of Conrad Murray, whom I know through BAC. Conrad is all things to all men, he's a producer, singer, rapper, beatboxer, guitarist, actor, director...the list goes on. http://www.myspace.com/groupro and http://www.myspace.com/theatredecunt.
Last Sunday I performed with Conrad and Pete form Theatre De-cunt and they improvised with the use of loops, breaks and samples music to one of my performance pieces "London calling". All going well a video will be uploaded at some point of the performance we did it live over in Whitchappell at a bar called Carivale which I really enjoyed. Myself, Conrad and Dani are currently working on some music so watch this space.
This Friday 21st January I will be attending, and possibly performing at a night called Mixed messages, which is down in Catford http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=188002624545277 The event is hosted by Mark "Mr T" Thompson who was the winner of the Manorlogz competition, the line up is pretty good so I'm looking forward to this one.
On Thursday 27th January is the lauch of BAC Homegrown. http://www.facebook.com/BACHomegrown which I'm very excited about. This has taken months of planning with the Young Producers group I'm part of http://www.bac.org.uk/get-involved/programmes/bacs-young-producers/ Part of the reason I'm so excited about this project is that BAC are actively interested in breaking down the social boundaries associated with the performing arts by offering a wide range of workshops and encouageing everyone to take part regardless of your background.
My pastey mug also managed to get in the photo shoot too!
Thursday 3rd February I'll be performing at Rum Punch http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=146673235385730 I've not performed there before so I'm looking forward to it as it seems like a really well run event with a big reputation, and I'll be dropping some new material I've been working on.
Thursday 25th I will be doing a feature set at the Almighty Bang Said The Gun http://www.bangsaidthegun.com/news/about/ this is one of the best nights around and not one I've been too in almost a year, so this should be wicked and Rob Auton is the man!!
Friday the 25th I'm very fortunate to be involved in very cool project http://www.catapultingcocoon.com/theatre which will be at the Woodstore Islington. At this stage I'm not sure what it will be as it will be a collaobtation with other artists but either way I'm excited!
I think that is about it for now, and I'm sure there will be more updates...
All the best
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