Friday, 27 May 2016

Count Up To Edinburgh #5 He thinks it's all sold out, it isnt

I'm using Sub-headings now

 Greetings. Friday. Bank holiday weekend. Half term. Hold tight all my freelancers though, I see you, all these aforementioned days mean nothing, other than more shoulders and elbows eating from the TK Max troff, I've been there. Solidarity.


So, I get a couple of calls Sunday night from two people close to me saying they can't get tickets for The C/D Borderline and that it's sold out?! Sold out, I wasn't expecting that and although I was concerned about not being able to get people in,  I was also pretty chuffed. But the chuffed-ness (sounds like a negative word doesn't it? I dunno, like most things in my life, I made it up) was soon followed by paranoia, suspicion, pessimism and all the usual thoughts and feelings that loiter in my head, urninating on my neurons. I thought loads of tickets might have beeen given away or something, or it was a computer glitch, or it was a syndicate buying them all up like one of these Russian / Chinese conglomerates copping all the flats in London and leaving them empty, leaving me to perform to a room full of chairs (wouldn't be the first time). Anyway. It could be all of the above for all I know, I don't have a scooby-doo who's bought tickets, other than the people who've told me. Either way, I'm really pleased tickets have sold.Honestly. I'm pretty focused now on making this the best show I can.


Anyway, after all that, turns out it hasn't sold out after all, because one of my brothers belled me up on Wednesday saying he just bought a ticket and that it was no longer saying 'sold out' on the site, so I can only assume Roundhouse have released more tickets. As far as I know, it's pretty standard practise for venues to hold tickets back. Pretty funny though, thinking about it. Serves me right for getting excited about selling out. Bottom line is, there's still tickets and you can purchase them here HERE HERE AND HERE. 

Windows 10 would have grassed you up at school for smoking

Fuck off Windows 10. I learnt what personification meant recently. See the above title for an example. For months now I've had this little box that kept flashing up on the little netbook I'm using, asking if I want Windows 10, for free. Well, I ignored it, like one of them chuggers on the high street, trying to get my attention by calling me 'Fella' or 'geezer.' Then last week, whilst in the middle of working on another peice for the show, my computer just started wigging out, like proper going nuts, more than it normally does. The screen did something I'd not seen since the days of un-plugging the NES from the back of the telly. It kept on doing this and then eventually closed down Windows (in the middle of me writing my bloody piece) and spent the next half an hour re-booting. And it re-booted, yea, but it re-booted with Windows flipping 10. Faaack off Windows 10, I didn't ask for this???!!! It's like someone broke into my house during the night and replaced all my CD's with a years worth of Ok Magazine back issues. Long and short, I didn't loose anything, thank God. 

Need someone to voice a teacher? Ask your Nothern mate

 I keep tinkering with the middle and end bit of the show. I had Gary From Leeds over last week, he did a voiceover for me on a new bit that I added for the show. Thnk it should tie it all togethor. It's gonna come throughout the show, well, tjhat's the idea at the minute. Gary did a splendid job, his northern tones made up for Windows 10 breaking into my PC and shitting all over my files. I wrote about Gary on the last Edinburgh blog, have a butchers here

Paul, stop adding stuff to the show.

This is'nt really a new paragraph, just following on from the last bit on the last paragraph, that one above. Look, I've added some new bits to the show yea  and I now need to go and  learn them, before next week. I keep getting ideas for new stories and it's not really helping right now, what with the show date coming up on Thursday. It's fun though, too much fun  and I hope it will make it a better show, but I do need to go and learn all this bollox.

I've gotta go now

 and make myself some dinner. I'll be back soon for another update. As for this Sunday, 'eff all this show bollox, COME ON YOU LIONS!!!!!!! MILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 


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