I get asked, or have to try and explain, mainly in workshops and educational settings, why it is I choose to write and perform. There is a few different answers I often give, most of them are in the list below, but I think this is the first time I've ever sat down and tried to list them all togethor. I felt a bit wary doing this as there is a part of me that thinks it's a bit wanky and insincere, and I'm almost pretty sure if I did this next week, some of the answers would be different. Alas. here it is, hopefully my asnwers in future will be a little consisent.Why?
: I enjoy the craft of creating something.
: I think a lot, probably too much. Writing helps me organise my thoughts.
: It helps me figure out my relationship with the environment around me
: I can express my thoughts and feelings in a creative and constructive way.
: If I'm writing something, I can take my time, cross out lines, change words and eventually work out what I want to say and how I want to say it. (I rarely ever won arguments whilst growing up, I still don't, it's much better for me this way.)
: I enjoy the life-cycle of developing a piece of work, writing, editing, learning it, then practising it, practising some more, extra practising, then finally performing (with some last minute frantic practising). All of that, gives me a sense of achievement and a feeling of self-worth.
: Performing allows me to connect with other people, which helps me further in understanding my relationship with the world around me and where I fit in. I've met some great people this way.
: Sometimes, I get to perform in places I would probably never have gone to and meet new people I probably never would have met.
: Though I'm often very nervous before I perform, I enjoy the crazy mixture of feelings I get from going on, being on and coming off stage.
: I enjoy the camaraderie with other writers and performers, especially at festivals, they're always a good laugh.
: Water, beer, juice and fizzy drinks all seem to taste nicer after a gig.
: Everytime I come off stage, not knowing what the outcome would be when I stepped on the stage, and having done everything that my nerves, fears, worries, self-doubt and paranoia are telling me not to do, I feel like I've achieved something. It's these little victories which make me want to overcome more of life's hurdles.
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