Night Night Sleep Tight
Hollywood seems to be struggling for ideas again. Mine won't stop coming, though they only seem to arrive at night-time, inconveniently, when I'm conveniently tucked up into bed, safely imprisoned in the knowledge that come 6 am the following morning I will wake up and go to work.
My idea's are like a curse upon me, which is ironic, because it seems the latest flavour of the production month in big budget American T'V studio's is all things vampires and werewolf’s. After a quick search on Wikipedia it seems that werewolf's arise after a curse has been placed upon a human, as well as the more conventionally known method where one is bitten by another werewolf, which just about justifies the Hollywood and werewolf comparison several sentences ago, with my own curse being the stream of internal imaginations palmed off as creative ideas. I don't ever remember anyone biting me.
I assume that by suggesting my brain transforms into a highly productive ideas factory when the rest of the normal world is sound asleep, rudely interrupting my own quest for precious sleep, could possibly make me sound as if I not only have my head firmly wedged up my rear end but that I'm also harbouring a werewolf and a blood sucking vampire, who happens to be feeding on my capillaries. However , I'm too self absorbed in the mania of my creative ego to notice the growth of the beings inside my bum before they get so big they burst out in an Alien style birth sequence, ending this seemly endless perpetual cycle of creative misery and making me realise why I work in a crap job and am not employed by a Hollywood film studio. Believe me that is not the case.
Some of my late night ideas have been downright ridiculous, like the one about using wooden transport crates tied together to form a small base upon which a tent can be pitched, with the wooden crates effectively becoming a buffer between the ground and the canvas, thus reducing the risk of mud and rain from entering the tent form underneath when one is camping. I went as far as writing this one down as as if it was some sort of Eureka moment, probably damaging my eyes in the process as I immediately flicked on my bedside lamp which I'd recently fitted with a 60watt bulb, which is the equivalent of having a stadium floodlight in your bedroom (of course, only an old-school free standing stadium floodlight though, whatever happened to those?)
Often, these ideas are just continuous trains of thought. Like those ridiculously long industrial trains that transport concrete and similar materials. Or even worse, like that endlessly massive gang of rudeboys that ploughed through Notting Hill carnival single file, depriving people of goods, such as my mobile phone, that disappeared down a street in the world's most unfriendliest conga train before I'd even had a chance of finishing writing my text message, which no doubt was an epic piece of abbreviated prose.
Effectively, the thought trains previously mentioned are exactly what is happening now, at this entire moment. It's a Wednesday night, well, actually it's now Thursday morning, 2.47 am to be precise, and I have to be at work by 8:30 am, where no doubt, due to a lack of stimulation, these useless thought trains will continue their relentless commute, travelling though my mind until they disappear and another service begins again.
Here's another pointless thought, costumed vigilantes like Spider Man roam around at night, yet Peter Parker holds down a full time job, surely he must get tired at some point? Or do you think he has 3 or 4 tactical 45 minute toilet breaks at work to catch a sneaky kip like I do?
I can now see the first cracks of day light sneaking through my curtains, and I can here the birds outside chirping. My eyelids feel heavy. Goodnight.
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