Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Update and that

Hello. Yea, been a wee while that I've posted on here, again. Had plans to set up a new website, got a new domain and everything, just no site...yet. Anyway, things have been pretty nuts last few months. Snce Janaury I've gone back to working a normal job, inbetween still doing the shows and workshops, it's been alright actually, my rent is being paid on time, I'm just pretty busy. I've recently finished a project working with the Tricycle Theatre up in Neasdon which was fun and I'm about to embark on a summer arts program with The Unicorn Thetare. Things are still ticking over.

Gigs wise, I was at the Branichild Festival for the first time last week and Lovebox the saturday just gone, as well as hosting a Truth About Youth event for Oval House Theatre, all of which were very enjoyable and full of decent people. I'm going away for a few days this week for something that is'nt a festival or gig related (imagaine that!) and after that I'll be at The Forge in Camden for the  Outspoken night, which is set to be a banger.

 The 90 Sick E.P is now up on  BANDCAMP, CDBABY and ITUNES (for some reason the EP does'nt show up on any searches, dunno, maybe them Itunes people are ashmed of it?! Mugs!) and  more soon. Different pricing on all of them, I get no say with I tunes. Either way, if someone doesnt want to purchase the full EP they an get 3 of the tracks for 79p each. Silly innit. I havant sold many so far but fuck it, I'm proud I've acatually done something and it exists both pysically and on line. Had a lovly reveiw from Ulterior mag;  ?! Anyway, here's the full thing ..

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