For those that have seen me perform before, there's a good chance you will have heard this piece, Jungle Warfare. In it, I make reference to legendary Jungle & Drum and Bass MC, Stevie Hyper D. I first heard him not long after he sadly passed away. My brother would speak of this legendary rave MC, and when I first heard a few sets from a One Nation tape pack in about 1998, his name was constantly shouted out, and has been, pretty much ever since.
Not long after that, I heardTHISparticular set, which I also reference in Jungle Warfare. My brother had a copy of this tape, from a Helter Skelter event, which I used to play when he wasn't around. The guy blew me away. And still does today. Whilst on twitter today, I happened to see a tweet for this documentary by The Audio Compund about a documentary they have made, called The Junglist Soldier - The Life And Times of Stevie Hyper D. It's a great listen, and only further depend my respect for this man and what he has done for UK rappers and MC's. I used to copy his lyrics when I first started out. Pure passion. A massive influence on me.
So I've had a nice couple of months of late. I've been lucky enough to perform at some really enjoyable gigs, One Taste,Talia Randal's 3Mile Radius EP Launch (which I will speak more about very soon!), Bang Said The Gun and Pigeon Poetry as well as playing the drums for rODIUM. It brings an end to what has been a pretty good year. As for next year, I'm currently working on 2 projects which will be, all going well, coming to fruition in the first half of next year, both of whichI'm pretty excited about! More to follow...
On a quick note, I just wanted to give up some space on here, as I tend to talk about what I'm doing a bit too much, and shine some light on a guy who's doing some really exciting things at the moment. He goes by the name of Cirusand is a member of Roundhouse associate collective Elephantwhere I first met him. I'm not really one to try and intellectualize on what other people are doing with their own art, I don't tend too make any sence even when I do. All I know is that I like what Cirus is doing, with his voice, his words, his sounds and his pen. I first heard him doing spoken word, back last year at Meadowlands, I remember being taken aback by his voice and his presence. I've recently come across some of the music he's making and I'm able to pay a lot more attention to his content. I had a mad chat with him back in the summer at the Lounge OnThe Farm Festival and we both had similar interests music wise and hearing the stuff he's making hasn'tdisappointed, he's clearly doing on his own thing. It's inspiring.
A couple of weeks back I had another session with rODIUM playing drums again. Things are getting tighter, I think (hope!), well anyway, here's links to 2 of the songs Take Me Away and Blind, big up Monique who filmed, Matt on guitar, who you can't see in the first video and of course Dean (Boggaloo Dee), who is a very old friend a mine who came in on bass for his first session and smashed it. Enjoy
P.S You download the latest rODIUM single You're A Star from Itunes HERE